+44 (0) 0207 495 5110 info@gingernuttraining.co.uk

Uniting & Empowering:

The Ginger Nut Conference 2023

by | Jun 13, 2023

Cheese Ginger Nut Conference 2023 scaled

The 7th of June marked the start of this year’s annual Ginger Nut Conference, which is held at our head office in Colchester. It’s a three day event that brings our tutors and support staff from across the country all together in one place to build relationships and work on professional development. We are chuffed to say that it was a blast! It left us all with a warm feeling; inspired and motivated to continue to give it our all for our apprentices.

Priority number one of the conference is always to facilitate the exchanging of collective wisdom so that we can share best practice among all our staff. Everyone was given the opportunity to showcase their expertise, innovative teaching methods, and success stories. This fostered a brilliant learning environment, where everyone gained valuable insight and awareness, along with lots of new ideas to enhance their own practices. 

As an apprenticeship training provider, we deliver all of our training remotely, so we really do appreciate the opportunity to connect with each other in person. Getting to meet face to face every year does so much to strengthen bonds across the team, and promotes that sense of unity and shared purpose that is integral to Ginger Nut. It wasn’t all non-stop work, though! We did also get the chance to enjoy a lovely meal together. 

Last, but not least, the conference is an opportunity to shine a light on all the hard work and dedication that we see throughout the year from our apprentices, our tutors, and our support staff. There are three awards that we hand out on day three. They are the Learner of the Year, Tutor of the Year and Administrator of the Year. We’d like to say another huge congratulations to this year’s staff winners, Sarah Osborne – our wonderful HR administrator, and Peter Mannion – our equally wonderful Senior Marketing Tutor. Enjoy your extra day of annual leave you two! You most definitely earned it.

 So, all in all, we’d say this year’s company conference was a resounding success. By focusing on knowledge exchange, professional development, networking, and celebration, we were able to promote some real connections and substantial growth within the team. We all went home with fresh ideas, enhanced skills, and a renewed sense of focus on what it is that we do here at Ginger Nut; which is help people. 

Bring on next year! 👏