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Apprenticeship Wage Set To Rise Significantly In April 2024

by | Dec 21, 2023

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There is some exciting news on the horizon for apprentices…

The UK Treasury has announced a significant 21% increase in the minimum hourly wage for apprentices, raising it from £5.28 to £6.40, effective from April 2024. This change is part of a wider adjustment in wage rates, that includes an increase in the national living wage and the national minimum wage for different age groups.


Apprentices aged 16-18, as well as those over 19 in their first year of apprenticeship, are entitled to this new minimum wage. Post their first year, apprentices over 19 years old should receive at least the national minimum wage or the national living wage, depending on their age. The national living wage is set to rise by 10%, going from £10.42 to £11.44 an hour, and for the first time, it will be applicable to 21-year-olds, marking a 2.4% increase from the current rate of £10.18.


The National Living Wage increase translates to an annual income boost of over £1,800. Additionally, the wage rates for 18 to 20-year-olds will see an increase of £1.11, reaching £8.60 per hour. These changes are part of the autumn statement expected to be delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

Wage rates from April 1, 2024

National Minimum Wage Rate Increase in pence Percentage increase
21+ £11.44 + £1.02 9.8%
18-20 Year Old £8.60 + £1.12 21.2%
16-17 Year Old £6.40 + £1.12 21.2%
Apprentice Rate £6.40 + £1.12 21.2%


These adjustments are based on recommendations from the Low Pay Commission and are part of the government’s efforts to ensure fair compensation for apprentices and workers across various age groups.

Further Reading