10 Apprentice Limit Lifted for Non-Levy Employers

With the start of the new new financial year, the Apprenticeship Service are moving to give smaller employers more certainty over funding, which will hopefully allow them to make use of all the apprenticeships they need to meet their ambitions.
Before this change, any employers that did not pay the apprenticeship levy could only reserve funds for up to 10 apprenticeship starts.
From the 3rd April 2023, this limit will be lifted and non-levy paying businesses will instead be able to recruit as many high-quality apprentices as their business needs to fill their skills gaps and grow their businesses.
Any employers that make use of this will still use the apprenticeship service to reserve funding for each apprentice and can continue to do so up to 3 months before an apprenticeship is planned to start.
Do you have questions? Get in touch with us.