ī¾ How Apprentices Can Supercharge Their Career Using LinkedIn LinkedIn is well and truly top of the pile when it comes to social media for professionals; a vast virtual networking space that you can use to instantly connect, engage, and collaborate with others in your...
ļ¾ 10 Apprentice Limit Lifted for Non-Levy Employers With the start of the new new financial year, the Apprenticeship Service are moving to give smaller employers more certainty over funding, which will hopefully allow them to make use of all the apprenticeships they...
ļ National Apprenticeship Wage Set to Rise in April The government announced late last year that apprentices’ pay would be going up in line with inflation from April 2023. This will be the second biggest apprenticeship wage rise in over a decade, and it’s...
ī§ Those Experiencing Domestic Violence Urged to Disable Upcoming Mobile Alert from UK Government UK Residents are set to receive a 10 second test siren from the government on April 23rd 2023 as part of a newly implemented public alert system that will be used to warn...
ļ” Ginger Nut Training Win Big at the AAC Apprenticeship Awards 2023 The AAC Apprenticeship Awards are an exciting annual showcase of all the incredible things achieved by apprenticeship providers and employers throughout the year. It is a National Awards Ceremony that...
ļ Apprentices Get Together at Ginger Nut HQ for Learner Enrichment Day At Ginger Nut, we understand the importance of building rapport between tutors and learners, so that our learners can get the most out of their apprenticeships. This is why we are always excited to...