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Beth Bretherton is our

Learner of the Year 2023

by | Jun 14, 2023

LinkedIn Tips for Apprentices

During our annual company conference, we take time to shine a light on all of the hard work that we see our apprentices put in at Ginger Nut. When the time comes, each of our tutors nominate one apprentice that they feel deserves special recognition for going above and beyond, someone they consider to be their learner of the year. They then produce a case study that explains why they chose this particular apprentice and why, out of all of our fantastic learners, they should be the one to receive this award. As you can imagine, the competition is fierce!

This year’s winner is Beth Bretherton. She is working as a Digital Communications Assistant at North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust while she completes her Junior Content Producer Apprenticeship with us at Ginger Nut Training.

Read what her tutor Anna Gabali had to say about Beth, it speaks for itself.

I am writing to nominate Beth for the prestigious “Best Learner of the Year” award. Beth has consistently displayed exceptional dedication, leadership, and a genuine passion for learning throughout the year.

One remarkable aspect of Beth’s contribution is her initiative to create a chat group following our workshops. Recognizing the importance of continuous learning and support, Beth took it upon herself to establish a space where all learners could connect and engage with one another. This chat group has become a vibrant community where learners can share insights, ask questions, and offer support to her peers.

Not only does Beth foster an environment of camaraderie, she also goes above and beyond by occasionally taking detailed notes during group learning sessions and sharing them with the chat group. This act of generosity has greatly benefited everyone involved, as it ensures that key concepts, discussions, and resources are accessible to all learners, even if they were unable to attend a particular session. Beth willingness to go the extra mile showcases her commitment to collective learning and her genuine desire to help others succeed.

The impact of Beth efforts on the overall learning experience cannot be overstated. The chat group has facilitated ongoing conversations, encouraged collaboration, and fostered a sense of community among the learners. By actively participating and contributing, Beth has created an inclusive and supportive environment that has enhanced the educational journey for all involved.

Furthermore, Beth has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities within the chat group. She is always approachable, encouraging, and willing to provide guidance to her peers. Her ability to motivate and inspire others has resulted in increased engagement and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, Beth has shown exemplary dedication, leadership, and a genuine commitment to fostering a supportive learning community. Her initiative in creating the chat group, her willingness to share notes, and her continuous support for fellow learners have made a significant and positive impact on the learning experience. I wholeheartedly is truly deserving of the “Best Learner of the Year” award.

Wow. Bravo, Beth! You have a lot to be proud of. Excellent work.


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